In My Dreams

Every night

In my dreams

I see you there

I know not why

Because in reality

I know you don't care

My dreams taunt me

But i can't see why

Is it because i miss you

Or is it a sign

I want to go back to you

But maybe i should think it smart

So i don't end up

With even more of a broken heart

Because if i go back to you

I know just what you will do

You'll push me away

Because you don't want me there

Because like i said

In reality you really don't care

My dreams are saying

Something to me

But what it is

I can not see

I never can understand my dreams

but they give me something

To search for it seems

But i'm not really sure

What i'm searching for

I wish i could understand them more

I wish someone could help me understand

But i don't think anyone can

It's probably just because i miss you

I don't think it's a sign

But my heart wants to

Desperatly believe it's true

I wish there was someone

Who could show me the way

But i don't think that'll happen

Anytime soon today

So for now

I will have to let things be

I guess i'll never know

What they really mean

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Bryan Adam Tomimbang's picture

I can sympathize with you... I know wat it's like. And I have a poem similar to yours called "Why Did I Dream About You?" I guess we can only see them in our dreams huh? Great write by the way. Keep it up!