Don't Know What Love Is

Poems About Love

I feel it fading
It's suffocating
But I know it's still there
I don't want to care
I can't keep loving you
With all that you do

You don't know what love is

You never cared about me
That much I can see
But why do I care so much?
Maybe it's that loving touch
I just want that feeling
But I don't need the hurting

You don't know how to love

So why can't you figure out?
What this feeling is really about
You feed on it and use me
But you don't actually want to be
With someone and actually care
You hurt so many people and it's not fair

Why don't you realize what you do?

I can't ever find happiness
In someone filled with emptiness
Someone who just can't see
And who won't appreciate me
So take your sorry, take your lies
You'll hear so many goodbyes

You just don't know what love is

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I can't stand guys that use girls and think of them as nothing more than sexual pleasure. Girls who let guys do this to them aren't any better. Girls need to have respect for themselves and guys need to learn that girls aren't just something they can play with. We have feelings, we all do.

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