Is there a fresh way to write
about a broken heart
- a breathtaking metaphor
that will impart to every new reader
intimate empathy
and sacramental sympathy?
A unique analogy
invoking the Web or DVDs
to reinvigorate such pedestrian tragedy
- original words whose poetic bite
will deflect cliché
and with liquid eloquence
combine rugged relevance
and delicate insight,
ensuring their elevation
into the literature of love?
Who gives a fuck?
When it happens to you
words are pure piss
and what matters is this :
the nausea,
the dizziness,
the massive fist embedded in your gut
- the breathlessness -
the need to isolate
and cry intractable tears
as you listen to sentimental songs
and refuse to heal
- would rather hate / would rather die -
and swear that THIS time
you will never again
attend the garden of love -
fertilized with shit
and irrigated with blood!