My Heart feels like it's Going to be Ripped Out


My mind is panicking

My heart is racing

My eyes are tearing

My body is shivering

I'm starting to break down

I'm on my knees

I'm praying to God

I don't want to lose my baby

Now that I'm on the radar


I'm so scared

I know they were called

But why?

I take care of my baby

I feed him

Change him

Play with hm

Keep him safe

I get him what he needs

I'm so scared

I feel as f my heart is

Being ripped out

Because I have a feeling

He will be taken

I don't know know what

To do

I feel like runing

But I can't

Everyone tells me

If he does get taken its my fault

I know that's true

But I don't know why they got


I do everything for my son

I would die to keep

Him safe

I would do everything for him

Any thing to keep him

I pray to God

Because I have no one else

That believes in me but


I hope he listens to my prayers

My plees and

My tears

I don't want to lose him

If I do I would take

My own life

Just to handle m

Grief of losing my





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nightlight1220's picture

In the worst moments of life,

In the worst moments of life, we forget that we all belong to something far greater..yes...even our babies.  great expression.

...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."

"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "


RomeonJuliet113's picture

Thank you

Thank you

♡Love my babies♡Niklas + Stephan❤ My journey has only began and yet, I get to enjoy it with my boys and my boy friend who inspires me more than he knows.