I want to talk to you
And tell you how
You've been making me
Feel lately
But I'm terrified too
I'm afraid of how
You'll react
I know since Thanksgiving
You've been going through
A very rough time
I get that I do
But making me feel like
Shit when I'm trying to
Support you
Doesnt make me feel better
I know I love you
But I'm getting tired
Of you saying your sorry
For hurting me
And continuing to do it
I'm crying inside because
You tell me you want me
And you love me
And soon as your family
Come in the room you
Push me away
You make me feel like
And I'm not good enough
For you
I know you miss AZ
I know you love the weather
But it hurts
That's all you ever talk about
And hearing that from someone
You love hurts like hell
Like me and our boys mean nothing
To you
It hurts like hell
Yet I have to keep smiling
And saying I'm sorry
You feel that way
I shouldn't be sorry
I shouldn't have to feel
Like garbage
I shouldn't feel unwanted
When I love you
And have always been
Their for you
Yet I'm still
Dumb enough to stay
Because I pray and hope
Shit will work out
But their is only so
Much a human
Can handle
But this really hurts
When the man I love
Tells me he would rather
Never have come back
And deal with bullshit here
And be in paradise their
It hurts like hell
I know I'm no picnic but atleast I
Dont hide anything from you
I dont make you feel unwanted
Or unloved
I always tried my best to
Give you all the love I have
To make you happy
I dont give a shit about
Our past
Because I want to start
But it seems like that wont
What hurts is feeling
Like I'm the only one trying
For us
While you just do you
If that's what you wish
To be single fine
But I'm not going
To sit and
Cry over you
Like I did in the past
Because I told you how
I feel about you
And what I want
If you dont feel the same
I wont cry
I wont hate you
I will just move on
I will always want
What's best for you
Because I love you
I am sorry you have to go
I am sorry you have to go through this. I have had to experience that lately. My heart goes out to you.
J-9thxciv [J-9th94]