How can you so easily
Forget me?
When just a few days ago
You claimed to love me
Yet now you changed your mind
Because of something she
Told you
that I said
You accuse me of saying
But won't even tell me
what I said
Yes i'm hurting
Because your treating
Me so poorly
I never said
Anything bad or mean to
Yet you curse me out
Ignore me
Make me cry
Over you
Since you left me
I haven't slept
Or eaten right
I cry myself to sleep
Because I don't understand
What I did or what was said
For you to hate me so
You can easily forget me
Yet I can't forget you
I can't turn off how I feel about
At the turn off a hat
I don't understand how
Eight years could turn
So wrong
You don't understand
Why I hurt so much
You tell me your happy
With her
And I will find
Someone who will love me
Better than you
But I don't understand
Why you are being
So cruel about it
Our sons see me
I try to stay strong
Even when I feel
My utopia has fallen
Ever since our
Sons were born
You changed
Yes I cry now
Because the pain is
Yet I will be strong
I take care of our
Ever since they were
From the first moment
I held them
I have taken care of them
While you hung out with
Friends or family
I was being both a mom and
Like noise cry because I
Thought this was
When reality
I was stupid
My boys and I
Deserve better
And now because
You left I can be
Who I am and be
Both mother and
Father to our boys
If I find someone
If not
I'm good
On my own
I have my family
Support as well as
Good friends
So thank you
For hurting me
Thank you for
Showing me that all
Will ever be is a
I love it I am so happy to
I love it I am so happy to see you getting these emotions out in a positive way!!!!

Girl you know I have too or
Girl you know I have too or else I will be in jail n he would have my boys. And that's a hell no
♡Love my babies♡Niklas + Stephan❤ My journey has only began and yet, I get to enjoy it with my boys and my boy friend who inspires me more than he knows.