American Insanity

is globalized.


hunting grounds

are misty red

with blood

we hope

won't flood

river banks

dug too shallow.

Imperial halos slip

off heads


war's lovely melody

and found along

tainted creeks.


killing fields

entice sainted crowns


shepherded notice.

How many sacrificed


rivers run dry

and misty hallowed

grounds heal...

How many?

Author's Notes/Comments: 

America - The Empire of Evil

View rodcarlosstryker's Full Portfolio
ladylynn's picture

great wording loved the writing it spoke to me.

Tara Dolan's picture

firstly, i'd like to say thanks for critiquin' my poem. i appreciate it very much.

i read all of your posted poems and wasn't sure which to respond to, so i decided to respond to all of them at the poem that's the first alphabetically, lol.. i enjoyed them a lot, especially the political/sociologic ones. good luck with your book