Reality Check

I don’t need to change,

To defy.

I just need to ask questions

Who? What? When? Why?

That will cause your blood to boil,

Your voice to rise

Me to reply, with a simple smirk

And my heart to run a marathon race

To rebel against you

All I have to do

Is be myself,

What are you going to do, sue?

Unlikely, but hey

You never know

You may finally realize

That I’m not a television show

I don’t come with a script

I don’t get a paycheck

I’m just real


I’ll get it through your thick skull

It’ll just take time

But for now I’ll get out of your way…

Now get out of mine.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

When you are a teen you rebel, only I rebel in a way that ticks people off, but causes no harm to anyone. Except, myself. Usually it gets me into trouble.

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"I don’t get a paycheck
I’m just real
