Two I apple tree’s, in separate I phone lanes
But inseparable screws out, body measurable
Equally 2 planes, meeting together distance
Equal lush resistance ½ creature thrust
what a hot lady bust love is the answer
Twin-set movie running chest rate X-rated
Her better half is sexual pleasure
his hot plate
Two loves not to take lightly
Seduced heart’s fit tightly
The other side needs, balance 2 guided
We're two loves, heart divided?
The body balance, our love
Gothic kiss darkens the doves
Two half’s of hearts, infinite flame
Red heart cheating, hot rod game
Uncertainty Guilty reassurance
Love hand holds, heart allegiance
Lips equally touch, warm exposure
Understanding, ½ smile 1/2 distance
He caught up almost mile
Car formula mix 1/2 scientist
Went Jekyll drink ½ way down test
Equal love music, rebels tough resist
Good sign just got married
He’s so in love, speechless carried
Rose petals senses taste hair and bed
Victorian lace French kiss lips
"What was said?"
Chanel bunch of lips roses red
Love- heart- equals wedding ring
Two hearts together, rejoice to sing
Invitations wedding rings, family love
Triples multiplies love gloves
Joining hands chess game
Cave whole land.
Love equals, two stars, extend
Infinity of love Silver and Gold cars
Riding one star his half, another star
so bright meant to be clear
You’re reaching by far never to swear
Waiting for the sunset, your lips met
Two seater car, swoon by starry
*Man and Woman fulfillment
erotic story*
Man’s story hearted finding his
Better half started