
My world seems perfect,

Why do I feel this way?

I feel empty inside,

Depression gnawing away.

Love from the best,

Doesn’t leave me at rest.

Alone I feel no way to heal.

Incomplete, a missing puzzle piece!

Where has it gone?

Why do I so long?

What’s this vast black sky?

Even with a shoulder to cry,

I’d feel I’d rather just die;

No more pain for to cry.

Leaving my eyes once more dry,

Nothing left to hurt and pry.

Just desolate blankness,

Things are so colorless,

Dark and gray.

What was meaningful?

It lost all value in a day.

A world seems shattered

Glue mends fragments together.

Cracks and impurity all in one,

Leaves me untied and undone.

Lost and alone, afraid and untouched,

Unclean and decayed, a postponed frost.

My bones with no marrow

My veins with no blood.

Empty I feel, tell me it’s not real.

My eyes have no tears

Yet I’ve cried for years.

Laconic Oppression with

Inconsolable Seclusion.

The shell of a woman,

The exterior of a girl,

The mind of an unbalanced human.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

Started writing on April 2, 2006 at 1:30a.m. finished on April 18, 2006 at 12:12a.m.

View risqueconjurer's Full Portfolio
Leland Orten's picture

This one is probably my favorite one that i have read so far. i really enjoyed how you used he supposed loneliness and related to a missing puzzle piece. I also like how you asked the question whether crying is worth more than dying