
Life's a puzzle

and a mystery

I need someone to help

solve it with me.

Are you the one

that I need?

Sometimes life is

to much to bear.

I need a mind to

change that with me.

Perhaps you can


Are you going to

be my savior?

Life can be

long and lonely.

I need a person to

hold me on those cold nights.

Is your hug

what I need?

Author's Notes/Comments: 

August 5, 2004

View risqueconjurer's Full Portfolio
Sarita Ramon's picture

You have an interesting concept, though remotely overused, even by myself. The poem doesn't absolutely flow, and sounds childish and simple to such a mature and adult theme. I would suggest using imagery and less common words. So far it sounds like an angsty and desperate teenage girl who just broke up with ehr boyfriend, and if you are as serious about writing as you appear by the poems you have posted so far, I would highly recommend stayring away from this type of poem. It doesn't sound to much even like a normal free form- more like your talking to another person, and the constant line break makes it frustrating to read, because it ends so shortly.

(Reason I'm not signing my username and name and email is because a lot of times if I say a negative thing, actual critique, someone flips out and trashes all my poetry. It's childish of them, and I cannot trust you to control any emotion invoked over my comment. I am sorry if it hurts you and you are a mature enough individual to handle my critique.)

Manda's picture

beautiful. just like everything else about you