

My Portfolio
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A spiderweb in a powder room on the Titanic

More About Me

What I want you to know about me...

Hi, I'm Rileigh. That's Gaelic for "courageous!" I was made in a test tube and raised by wolves, so I'm a little rough around the edges. I LOVE/NEED music, adrenaline rushes, color, and laughing. I want to be a professional monster-makeup artist. I'm addicted to Khaos. I hate feet. I love dubstep. I used to call strawberries "stawstubbies."

About My Navel

I have an innie! It's mini. Haha! It has a piercing; a silver double-stud and there is a tattoo of a snake stretching down beside it.

Favorite Stuff (poets, poems, quotes, hobbies, etc.)

"Insanity is like a parachute; just because you forgot yours does NOT mean you can borrow mine!" -Unknown


Member for
13 years 4 weeks