Shadow of Christmas

 Family, feast and mistletoe, 
presents flying to and fro,
all wrapped up, all topped with a bow.
A dim reflected time from long ago, always putting on a show.
Christmas is jolly, this I know,
but something is not right, it just doesn't flow...
Lights on the wall, all aglow,
but something is shady, it just won't go...
The Christmas cards all sit on the windowsill, all in a row,
but still something is making me low...
I realise now that I am at fault, and so, I express a smile and say my hello's, I close the veil, protected by my greatest foe.
Family, feast and mistletoe,
yet still, I'm in the shadow of Christmas, alone.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I'm not really alone ;) Christmas is a happy time

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