Why is there WAR

Why Is There War

By Richard A. Ames


As the sun sets on another day 

Bugles in the distance softly play, 

Just when you think the day is at an end 

Out of the dusk, come a thousand men, 

Shots were fired, and men had to die 

Your best friend drops, but there is no time to cry, 

Bullets land around you, as you lay in your hole 

If this is the road to freedom, it has one h*** of a toll, 

The shooting finally stops, this one is our score 

But then you stop and ask yourself "why is there war "

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lizardking's picture

war, what is it good for?

i like the road to freedom/hell of a toll line. it's clever.


my answer to your poem's question is free will, egotism, lust and power.

Rickames001's picture

I agree. and thanks

I agree. and thanks

KindredSpirit's picture

Like it. KS

Like it.


Rickames001's picture

Thanks im open for honest

Thanks im open for honest oppinion 

allets's picture

Welcome To PostPoems

We just bombed Fallujah supporting Iraqi troops. 50 thousand residents trapped and in mortal danger. We bombed it anyway. Why? Oil.



Rickames001's picture

I had no idea lady a. Thats

I had no idea lady a. Thats not a good thing at all