The beginning of the world

At the beginning everything was in darkness; so light was separated from the shadows and the sun, moon, starts and ocean were created. But still there were no living things around the earth and it felt empty, so the gods decided to fulfill the land with trees, flowers and many other kinds of plants; but even with that the gods knew that something else was missing to create harmony in the world.
-“What else we can do?” one of the gods asked
- “Maybe it should stay like this” the other one said
Two angels came with an injured wing, telling the gods they cannot do their work anymore. Worried about this, the gods were thinking what other things this angels can do to help them.
- One of the gods said “Why should we not send them down”
-“You have just read my mind”
Both angels looked one another asking themselves “and then, what we are going to do there”. The gods knowing what these angels were thinking, told them “Don’t worry; you are going to bring to the earth the harmony that is missing.” With these words and with the faith they were going to do the right thing, both angels descended from heaven to the land, transformed in animals, each one in rabbits, one male and one female.
Not knowing how to survive the rabbits started to explore the land and as time passed the understood that the gods gave them everything to survive there. They used the big trees as their home, plants as food, discovering that carrots were the most delicious from the others ones; and drinking from rivers to maintain hydrated. The rabbits were enjoying life; they have everything and know a new member a baby rabbit! The new family was having peace and calmness.
Upstairs in heaven the gods were thinking that it was time to send down to the land new angels transformed in animals, so the land could be fulfill with many others kind of animals and complete the harmony the gods were looking for. From one day to another there were all these animals, and the rabbits didn’t know what to do, for them, they were “invading” their home; but the rest of the animal community told them, that the gods decided this and know they will share everything and the land.
So, the rabbits know have new neighbors; they had more baby rabbits and as well the rest of the animals; and friendship between them became the base for having a harmony in the world. And this is how the earth became fulfill of animals.
The End

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