Holly F

My Portfolio
I have 12 items posted! Click here to view...

More About Me

What I want you to know about me...

Writing, Reading, Music.. (Piano..., Singing... Listening, and of course Dancing!), Computers, Psychology, Parapsychology Mysteries of all Kinds. Miracles...The things that make life worth living.

I am 49 with a teen of my own. To some who know me, my life may seem, a bit impossible. While it's true, there have been many valleys,with steep hills to climb...I live for the mountain tops. Nothing is as bad,or as impossible as it seems at the moment. For there are always moments of joy to take their place. If one cannot feel pain, then one cannot feel exhilaration. Life is not a dress rehearsal. When you get the chance. Dance.

About My Navel

Hmmm....Hidden from public view. Very nice. :-)

Favorite Stuff (poets, poems, quotes, hobbies, etc.)

A Quote I Wrote! :-)
Don't miss the dance of life...
When all is said and done,
It's all we have....
When you get the chance..


Member for
22 years 13 weeks