I drink for pleasure,
The wonder of taste,
My family drinks to try to erase
All their pain and confusion,
To find absolution.
As one might say,
"They get completely shit-faced."
There are other forms of escape,
That is quite true,
Most of them harmless
For me and you.
And that is quite fine!
It's just drawing the line
Between a heavy drinker
Who is a casual thinker,
And the heavy thinker
Who is a casual drinker,
Occasionally requires red tape.
Sometimes they're both
And sometimes they're not.
But either way, really,
You've got what you've got.
casual about either as far as I am concerned
thinking or drinking
serious subjects
Me and Mr's Guinness and Jameson all agree.
"One of the best results of life, is the torment of love"
Dylan Eliot