Freedom isn't found
Within a glass, be it
Filled with whisky or
Beer, not even wine,
For it is all a
Temporary escape
From the harsh reality
Of life, and when one
Is done they must go
Out and face it
In truth, to have
A coping mechanism
Is a crutch, for it
Keeps us from
Facing our problems,
Our monsters, head on
As we strive to defeat
Them, to send them
Into the abyss,
Never to rise or
See daylight
And yet
It is pleasurable
To forget for a time
The aches and the
Worries of life,
The wisdom of
Who preach to the
Choirs of
It's all about finding a life
It's all about finding a life strategy that suits your uniqueness best. I am like a bee. I sip nectar from all different strategies at different times, at times even using the ground I fall hard and fast on to lift me even higher... Variety is the spice of life, you know?
But truly....I am very sensitive and have the ability to become intoxicated easily by anything I choose. Does that make me a choice addict? ;-)
Love your writes.
...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."
"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "
To Bee or not to Bee.
Being a Bee strikes me as a lovely thing to Be, for were you not, no one else would have any honey. And without honey there would be no Mead.
And thank you! I'm glad you enjoy the writes. =)
My relatives drink it by the barrel
full. We lost a lot of time with them
and the problems went no where.
We just kept throwing out the
empties. The last drop was the little
freedom they ever knew. Escapism
was lifestyle, not time out.
I like a little whisky in tea
or coffee, or straight, with soda
as if there is a need to warm
the mind for an hour or or less.
Escapism comes in writing
sci-fi novels, with a fluted
glass on the side for company.
Wine slows down th busy
pace of highly strung poets
who want to change the
universe, who do not
own sufficient math to
reach the nearest star
or the nearer moon.
I drink for pleasure,
The wonder of taste,
My family drinks to try to erase
All their pain and confusion,
To find absolution.
As one might say,
"They get completely shit-faced."
There are other forms of escape,
That is quite true,
Most of them harmless
For me and you.
And that is quite fine!
It's just drawing the line
Between a heavy drinker
Who is a casual thinker,
And the heavy thinker
Who is a casual drinker,
Occasionally requires red tape.
Sometimes they're both
And sometimes they're not.
But either way, really,
You've got what you've got.