Forsaking Sorrow

It's right there just one layer away
A solid obstacle preventing me from it
I'll break it and reach to that ray
No longer will I remain in this dark pit
kicking and screaming at that bloody door
These bars won't keep me from my freedom
They'll be an end for this war
It'll be written in my own little museum
A key somewhere lost in the tunnels of my cell
Eyes blinding me with their stares
Dead faces at my vision, this surely must be hell
I'll do what ever it takes to forget, I say with tears
Yet that bloody door mocks me
I pull the knives that were stabbed in my back
I take a deep breath and count to three
Pain spreads through me and everything goes black
My eyes flicker open, a wave of strength claims me
I run to the door that'll bring me relief
No more faces masked with regrets to see
No more going through the same cycle of grief 
I gave my all and lost it all 
But lessons were learned
Step by step I'll get out without pain to recall
Surviving is a gold medal I earned
I grasp the handle of the door that'll give me peace
A new kind of air streams in
I look behind me one last time and release
Goodbye to the sorrow that couldn't win
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douggie211's picture

Excellent poem It reminds me

Excellent poem

It reminds me of a passage in War and Peace when during his death the Prince has flashbacks

of a door that he must enter with Death on the other side

    On a pleasant night beneath the moon

     How happy was the reverie

     That in this world there still be one

     Thought that ever turned to thee

I look forward to reading more