

Urban(e) smells
suffocate our human(e)-ness
struggling to remember forests,
but still sparing with ghosts.
We use to howl and rage,
even dance at the Moon -
cursing its phases and
Now we only nod,
that American heroin nod
as it influences our moods;
rationalizing our ability to kill
everyone, everything
different than us;
allowing us to watch indifferently
at Gaza ethnic cleansing
as phosphorous explosions
replace both sun and moon.
It’s like watching small birds
hung by their necks
like ornaments
from brown, barren trees,
thinking: “Aaah, this must be
post - modern art.
See how their eyes bulge
and their wings droop just so
in a compelling, nihilistic sway.
Haven’‘t I seen something like this before?”
Yes, there has always been
‘strange fruit’ dangling from
the grand vistas
of the American scream.
But today,
they say -
“We can be proud to be Americans again.”
Oh goodie!
"Hope we can believe in".
But where is humanity in this?
And will we ever see the forest again?
Or dance and howl at the Moon?

~~redzone 3.22.09

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Stop thinking like Americans- Start thinking about the world...

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Neighbor(hood) s

I would like to see neighbors think about the block - the world? Last night BBC told me Cameron will probably win and Labor will be sidelined...we'll see, lots of unemployed voters in the UK right now. I have a friend there who's husband lost his job and they are desolate...2200 sport's ware employees (company bailed out by Bill/Linda Gates Foundation) were sent home 90 seconds after the closer rep arrived, go home, good luck, thanks for all the fish. I think pomegrants are strange fruit - evil inhuman hangings/burnings/castrations/rapes/disenfrancchisment/language denial/ ad infinitum...still attitudes are slow to catch up. If lucky, I've got 20 more years (ha?) a lot can happen in two decades (the last 300 years notwithstanding)~~~~Lady A