just my ☘️ luck



Tis but me spiked-up hair, y’seen,
Doused with a lot o’spray on green!
“Where did you get that hat!?” they say,
Folks grind on me each passing day.

“Keep it off, tis not funny!” they cry—
Sorry, but it’s staying on, oh my!
Tis the hat my father never wore,
On St. Paddy’s day, you'd swore.

I haven’t me a hat, let alone respect;
So I’ll bug off with me head erect.
And just as well, I’m on me way—
I haven’t a shamrock on me today.





Author's Notes/Comments: 

Inspired by "the hat my father wore," Gene Kelly, "Take me out the the ballgame."

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patriciajj's picture

Your hilarious and sparkling

Your hilarious and sparkling frolick was pure enjoyment, and the vernacular: priceless! 


A feel-good tribute to my Irish ancestors. 

redbrick's picture

Thanks Patricia! Patrick was

Thanks Patricia! Patrick was meant to be my first name or at least one of them. But my dad thought to be smart and only gave me the "-rick" part of it. Harr-Dee-harr

here is poetry that doesn't always conform

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