panhandler’s timepiece


time’s a vagabond that
travels along byways
across life's big pond

its ticker's a bicker--
a nagging that's thicker
than freckles on a face

its tocking reminds you
of armless, moustached pirates
that haven't got a clue

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I was delighted by the

I was delighted by the deftness of your creation: the way your cunning metaphor is carried on a stride of lilting meter, not unlike the pulse of our lives in the hands of a rambling “panhandler”. 


A brilliant look at our relentless captor. 


redbrick's picture

The pulse of life captured in

The pulse of life captured in poetic lines, that is often the fish that tries to get away. Thanks kindly, pjj

here is poetry that doesn't always conform

galateus, arkayye, arqios,arquious, crypticbard, excalibard, wordweaver