…how to get to there



non-existent metaphors glide past

this momentarily lucid blindspot

where Snuffalopagus intimates

a sauntering, “Hiyah, Bird!


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Teytonon's picture

There once was a man..

There once was a man named Gus

Who'd always make a fuss

Never said 'Hiyah, Bird!'

That would be absurd

As Snuffalopagus? No, as Enough? Ha! Can't top Gus!

Thanks for posting!

redbrick's picture

Nope. There's no stopping

Nope. There's no stopping Gus! Thanks kindly

here is poetry that doesn't always conform

galateus, arkayye, arqios,arquious, crypticbard, excalibard, wordweaver