


internal countdown begins

like ants to freshly landed 

sugar crystal

like sunflower to rising sun

peeping from cover

like expectant pyjama'd tyke 

on Christmas morn

a feeling, full grown or so,

but couldn't quite shake



Author's Notes/Comments: 

...everything is different, now that we're 'adulting' but some instincts are inherent like the homing of salmon and penguins. 

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S74rw4rd123d's picture

Excellent, and very observant

Excellent, and very observant of human  nature!

Starwardized [fka Starward]

redbrick's picture

Thanks kindly!  Your much

Thanks kindly! Smile Your much welcome and greatly appreciated response serves as an elixir in the grey mood of winter.

here is poetry that doesn't always conform

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