Total Silence

Total silence....

Just my beating heart

Catching my breathe 

While fading away in the silence 

Repenting in the dark 

smiling but frowning 

Laughing but fighting 

Still no sound in the total silence

Yes I love my sweet mother dearly

Told her plenty of times 

But my lips were somewhat sealed 

This total silence is throwing messages

but I can't describe it 

maybe I'm stuck in silence 

Cause a puzzle piece is missing

If I put them together 

will I finally be heard 

will I finally be someone 

then a empty glass 

then a undescribable picture 

can't even hear my footsteps 

these silent moments 

was a remainder of the future

Of my future 

I need to change 

are be emptied into this black hole 

This total silence 

is trying to grab hold 



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"...can't even hear my footsteps..." That's quiet!