I come from a broken home/I feel like I wield a/broken dome/
I piss and moan/craving/things/I've never known/
Like caring parents/who love/and cherish/
Their kids/no care it's/like/I'm gold with no karats/
Just a hunk of meat/led by emotions/they trouble me/
Depression/anxiety, hopein/I dont come to be/a stingerless bumble B/
At least before my time/so I rhyme/to ease my mind/to organize/
My morbid life/But I can't my eyes/won't focus/I fall blind to the prize/
If I say I'm good/I lie/because the point between/tranquil and helter skelter/is such a fine line/
The good life/I can't define/on one hand I spit fine lines/
So what'll happen if/I/age my like skills like fine wine/
until they're fine/enough/for your mind/to dine/
The other hand is that/I'm/ fucked/stuck/ive got no clairvoyance/
And boy it's/tough/to float down the rapids/when your not buoyant/
Damn right I don't float/I'm broke/like a boat/
That Drove into a moat/was shall-ow/but still swall-owed/me whole/
The toll/took its toll/now I'm too encumbered to pull/
Myself from my own/homegrown/broke-n-stoned/hole/
I love this!!! So well
I love this!!!
So well written.
Ive been thinking about moving on to
lyrical writing- you may just be my inspiration.
Thank you
I love lyrics. I spit to hip
I love lyrics. I spit to hip hop tracks on my own time. Never have recorides or release anything. I don't have the tech.
(((((MIKEY!!!!))))) im a
(((((MIKEY!!!!))))) im a loving it. got the beats in my head the riffs the chords the bridge and the melody! shame i cant write music!!!?????? OUCH! GREAT STUFF!
Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS
"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."
Lyricist Tech
Nice, - Just Bein' Stella