A sirens song, dances amongst the lily pads
Sung by such a beauty description rivals that of the Iliad
The notes rhythmic, unique, there warmth envelopes me
wondering how, if it's possible, to make her my Penelope
For my story holds no tragedy or peril
Just a mans heart canvassed in the depravity of the worlds evil
Lost in himself, searching for his true spirit
it's meaning and it's counterpart to share it
but I lack the courage, call me no Odysseus
My fears overwhelm me causing me to be missing what
could have been but will never be
All because I was to afraid to venture on this Odyssey
My heart, a hole, a throbbing charybdis
wrecking relationships in its tossing, spiraling wake its
not a monster, just misunderstood
For it has only seen evil, so how would it know of good
it would, after all it has seen you
You are a glimpse of color, in a world thats ordinarily blue
A diamond in a pile of filth
A perpetual bloom, in a garden destined to wilt
Alas, I gasp to behold such a perfect homosapien
But out of my reach you are, I become Distraught again
Incredible! Hey guys! READ
Incredible! Hey guys! READ THIS,!!! Cheers SS my kind of shit, bloody awesome!
Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS
"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."
Thank you ssmothie Ur opinion
Thank you ssmothie Ur opinion means a lot
You Can Never Lose Your Muse
I bet when Ulysses got home he never went on another journey, he had Telemacus and Penelope and a pile of dead suiters to bury. The one you will love till death comes is coming to your door soon. Don't forget to open up. Love is like that - glad you spoke up to know. She has lost her muse license I hear - Be well. Keep trying, love is really really nice ~~Lady A~~
ya i really liked this girl
ya i really liked this girl she made me queezy
talking to her also wasnt easy
made me feel visible, this girl, could actually see me
gave her the poem, spoke what i felt then she did leave me
ive opened up about feelings, my heart is a welcome matt
they just wipe there feet enter and leave with that
notion that while the rug is there
they will vent their feelings then trash mine and leave with out a care.
i hear people say love will come but waiting sucks. i guess the anticipation will make it better. i dont even know about love anymore lately ive just felt like i would like someone to confide in, hold, talk to, and well you get the drift. someone to share these moments with seems to be harder to find than i thought