Seven Oceans

I will sail your seven oceans,

Wide legged and proud with heaving prow

And I’ll sing along to your hornpipe,

Shacked in your song and salt shanty.

I’ll immerse myself in your vanities,

Vainly charting the unchartable,

Insane in riding unreefed

The roaring squalls and storm blows,

Tossed hard between your billows.

I will thrive adrift on primal tides

And unseen subtle currents,

Or dragged in tumbling undertows,

In the breathless plumbing of your depths.

There on basal basalt,

The wild abyssal plain,

I’ll carve out claims in both our names,

For a secret seabed homestead,

Where my still deeps are yours for keeps,

Whilst we drift, wind burned,

Wave rocked in limb locked weariness,

Salt caked and sated,

In sleep.

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