To the loved one -An die Geliebte - Christian Morgenstern

Here's my first attempt at the translation.  I'd appreciate your input.  The original can be seen by following the link below.  

More importantly, do you think he scored?

To the loved one

I tear star gold down from the night sky

forgeing from it a shining diadem

and around your enslaving brow

I plait it with a trembling hand, my love.

I steal sun gold from the day star

Winding it into a seven times more radiant ring

And on your hand, so pure  

I place it in speechless happiness, my love.

I seize bloom scent and moonshine

Weaving for you a shimmering veil

And around your body, so small,  

I lay it, gentle and quiet, my love.

Something occurred to me during this blissful labour

I gathered it spinning myself strings from it

Which produce sweet, blessed sounding tones

Just for you, only for you.

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