Three Words Unsaid

Love/Erotic poems

While I sit here waiting for you

I think of you being by my side

If you were here it would be great

Just think about it too

You and I living together forever

That would be so first-rate

We will never forget the times we could have had

We can look back on it years from now…

Well for right now there is nothing to look back on

Possibly the days when I felt like your shadow

I followed you everywhere

When I saw you it made me so excited

I was pleased for the rest of the day

Wow, how could you do this to me?

I still sit here all alone in the corner, unaccompanied

The thought in my mind are bloodcurdling…I’m so fearful

The nightmares haunted me for days, then weeks

You do not know how much of pain this is to me

It has now been months since I last saw you

You do not know how upsetting this has been to me

I’m ending my life tonight

These are my last words to you…

“I Love you”

Three words I never put together while I was with you

But now they are together and you aren’t here

I guess they will never be together while you and I are together

But this is all I had to say

So think about it when you have your last day

Author's Notes/Comments: 

lol A Stupid poem I wrote about and for a past lover. He never saw it, and never will.

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