Although the monsters
May come out at night
Don't you ever dare
Turn on that light
The darkness swells
With creatures of fright
Don't you ever dare
Turn on that light
No good will come
From regaining sight
Don't you ever dare
Turn on that light
It's for your safety
It's not out of spite
Don't you ever dare
Turn on that light
The thing that comes
No one can fight
If you ever dare
To Turn on that light
No one could save you
From what you invite
If you ever dare
To turn on that light
The monsters beg you
But HE will delight
If you ever dare
To turn on that light
Darkness may flee
From all things bright
But the real true horror
Is brought by light
The Light Bulb Man
Is an unholy plight
He comes and takes you
When you turn on the light
It's like his beacon
Shone through the night
So please don't dare
To turn on that light
As morning comes
A horrific sight
I find your bed empty
And switched on?
...Your light.