
Sex poems


a sexual second

turned into a moment

but it changed

i made a joke

a funny hint

towards your tampons

and maybe the scent

i saw the look

i felt stabbed

from zorro

i new what it meant

time for porno

we were getting kinda kinky

and thing got freaky

but then i made

a bad descion

with my pinkie

i stuck in the wrong hole

in your stinky

i saw the look

hit me like a left hook

burned through me

life an inferno

i knew what it meant

time for porno

i suprised u

on are aniversery

bought u a new purse

but it was the wrong day

and u started to curse

then i got that look

i read it like a book

my heart was shook

i new what it meant yo

time for porno

this was a lil joke poem i did for a friend

for his wife on her birthday!


sorry for the spelling

no time to check it!

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Kitty Laveau's picture

Seriously, WTF?

Ah well. It's still hilarious. Good job for making me smile...although I'm not sure at what, either at the poem or your goofy picture. :p

volleybabe's picture

hilarious poem! good job