"ears open"
when your feeling kinda lonely,just say hold me
i'll be there with ears open
when you don't feel pretty, but don't want pity
i'll be there with ears open
when your sick and out of it
i'll be there with ears open
when your sad, or just feeling bad
i'll be there with ears open
when people make you angry and got u feeling strangely
i'll be there with ears open
when words don't help,or u just need advice about a belt
i'll be there with ears open
when your days don't go well, or your boss is mean as hell
i'll be there with ears open
when music won't suffice, or u want to comment on condleeza rice
i'll be there with ears open
Dear Ray
I am amused at the twist of seriousness in your second last line. The person you mentioned inspired my poem 'Adult Stories,' more of a limerick.