"african bee"

Life Poems

the strongest

the badest bees on earth

buzzing around

strong minded from birth

labeled the killed bee

but thats a white scientist

you see

oh African bee

you i want to be

so i can fly

and not be me

your not just black

not just yellow

your colorful

a right peachy fellow

you only attack when flustered

so a killer

is the best title

they could muster

you fight because

its all you know

out of the hive

its hard for you to go

they took u from

the only land you knew

then just got rid of you

when will they ever learn

play with fire

you burn

oh african bee

if it was up to me

you would have your land

to rome and be free

but i'm just a white boy

not african at all

fair skinned and hopeless

not knowing at all

oh african bee

i am what you see

no hiding

no lying

just me as me

living in a world

where its ok to bleed

and stupid to read

if i had choice

if i had the wings

i would spread

my love

to all things

in the end

oh african bee

don't judge me

on what others concede

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So vivid and painful. How I wish the world would leave a hopeful place for 'progeny.' No jihad, no crusade but just live and let live!