"counter action

Death Poems

"counter action"

saw you pop that dude yesterday

saw you smile, satisfaction,

heard the laugh, no reaction

saw the blood splash, beat his ass then

add another bullet to please your faction

but heres the counter action

what about mom's contraction

her babys dead, murdered for killing passion

all dogg did was look at your girl, showed attraction

so simple, so minor, did not warrant deaths retraction

now you have that memory, its called gods satisfaction

this is your punishment, thoughts everlastin

one day you'll get a counter action

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volleybabe's picture

i love reading your poems... this one showed a lot of what life really is today. how people freak over the simplest things and take a life not stopping to think of anyone else... nicely written

jgupta's picture

Newton's Third Law! It's all there in air, we don't stop to ponder the same. Well written. It's a pleasure to go through you lines.