The Curtain Falls

Love's Sorrow

I loved you, not just with words,

for nouns and verbs

would simply never do

when it came to you...

nor adjectives describe

emotions felt so deep inside,

so deep it left me tongue tied

by feelings I could not hide...

no matter how I tried.

You know as well as I

that in love I did not believe.

No, I could not conceive

back then, that it could be real..

how you made me feel,

and I struggled.... so hard...

yet could not stay apart

from you,,, the one I needed so,

more than you will ever know.

I needed so much to believe in you,

love you my whole life through,

wanted to be your world,

always be YOUR girl.

Funny, now that I look back

I can almost hear you laugh.

Silly me, the dizzy bird.

It really was that absurd!

Thought that you felt the same.

I guess I'm to blame,

for once again, I fell

into the depths of love's hell...

this bottomless pit of lies

where "I love you" is a disguise,

on life's stage, a mask worn

over and over, a Star is born

and secret gardens have hidden charms,

to keep a poet safe and warm.

And the winner is...... not I!

oh no, not I!

for on this stage, I played the fool...

I followed all the rules,

and now romance is comedy,

or as it's now called "dramady",

and all the idiotic things I said,

go round in circles in my head.

like "A truer love you'll never find"

but then, love is truly blind,

until one day, fate rips off the mask

and takes your gullibility to task

as the audience gasps collectively in surprise

at the twist in plot before their eyes.

and then...

one nervous giggle breaks the lull

followed by another and another until they're all

laughing hysterically at the tragic flow.

still we must go on with the show,

smile brightly through it all

until the lights go dim...

and the curtain falls.

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