Scattered In The Wind

Dark Wanderings

Over craggy nightmares, I crawl,

groping for flimsy footholds of reality,

knees scraped on jagged memories,

fingers reachng, raw and bleeding,

clutching desperately at broken dreams

that disintegrate into sand in my grasp,

leaving nothing but empty handfuls

of decomposed hope and crumbled fantasy

lodged under bloody torn fingernails.

Overhead, rapacious carrions circle

sensing an impending banquet,

gleeful in their rabid anticipation,

their vicious talons flexing in mid-flight,

eager to rip away at my carcass

and feast on my still warm body,

strong beaks tearing flesh from bone,

devouring me with voracious appetite

and methodical precision.

The scorching sun beats relentless

blinding weary, filth encrusted eyes,

and acrid tears of utter exhaustion

leave grimy trails upon my cheeks,

as the torrid wind leaves me gasping,

each ragged breath searing my lungs,

consuming me from the inside out,

sucking the last traces of vitality

from my delirious hallucinations.

With one final exhalation of breath,

my spirit catapults upward and away,

soaring far above all that once was,

as my battered and lifeless remains

plunge down into death's oblivion,

and the thoughts that once plagued

shatter, fragmented, on the rocks below,

releasing precious moments of beauty

to fly forever free...

scattered in the wind.

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Well done. You managed to pick a key, and hold it through to the end of the poem, not missing a beat. It must have taken some concentration.
