Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow

Heart Songs


the rain poured...

tear-thickened sheets of despair

drowning me in the sorrow

of a shattered dream.

Through the onslaught, you held me,

lent me strength and comfort,

fortified my resolve,

rebuilding my world,

embracing me in your sun,

and I basked in the warmth

of your caressing rays.


I begin each day smiling...

awakening to a husky voice,

your throaty growl tickling my ear.

You infuse my spirit with your essence,

your optimism rushing through me,

lifting me in your breeze,

untethering my wings,

setting me free to fly.

Unafraid, I soar

high, high into your skies

knowing you won't let me fall.


will be greeted joyously...

with open arms and bouyant heart,

for I am a better me

for having been touched

by the truth and gentility of you.

My shadows fade into your light,

as each drawn breath whispers

of renewed hopes and dreams.

Sweet slumber gathers us close

singing a lullaby of forever,

as we lay blanketed in love.

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