take it

Yes, take it.
take my heart and burn it.
take it and destroy it
i dont need it.
it weakens me.
it wont let me be.
it just wont let me flee.
it hurts me, it pains me,
it ruins me and saddens me.
it controls me and destroys me.
So take it.
take it and let me be

Author's Notes/Comments: 

just let me know what you think of it.
Its pretty obvious how i was feeling at that moment!

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raminastar's picture


First, let me welcome you to our family here at Postpoems!
I found your poem to be full of emotion that is coddled in one simplistic stanza. It is short and to the point, I like that! I have written some 6 liners in my time such as the one entitled "My demise", so much can be said in so few words and you really did it here in this poem. Your poetic potential is intriguing! keep writting and please keep sharing!

saiom's picture


We have wonderful people in my town named Haddad....

your poem is a sublime tribute to freedom

your poem creates echoes in us



raniamhn's picture

thank you! :) first poem i

thank you! :)
first poem i ever post!