
I have to come here continuously to be on dialysis.

My kidneys are no longer good and I really hate this.

Several of my relatives could've donated a kidney but they all said no.

I've always been good to them and when they refused, it was pretty low.

When my brother had an accident last year, I donated blood.

I even bought him his first car and he treated me like mud.

After three and a half decades, I finally see these relatives for what they are.

Being related to such losers really hurts and it has given me emotional scars.

Maybe I'll get a kidney even though things look pretty grim.

But when it comes to my relatives, I will never forgive them.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This is a fictional poem

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I can well relate to what you say because I have a selfish brood myself. Last year my brother died of a heart attack at home but he had diabetes bad and his kidneys were shutting down so they did dialysis and I told him I would donate one of my kidneys. At the time my doctor gave me the ok and since he was out of state he had to get his doctors ok but unfortunately it never happened. Now I have discovered in the last week I too have diabetes. The idea of dialysis really scares the hell out of me and I hope I never have to go through it..Look at it this way a selfish brood now will get paybacks in the longrun and you won't have to do a thing. If you believe in God then you know he will give just rewards to everyone and their actions..