
When I go on a date, I make the girl order the cheapest thing on the menu.

They usually walk out the door before the dates have a chance to continue.

My last date ordered a meal that costed a hundred and ten dollars.

The owner threw me out on my ass when I started to holler.

The price of an egg McMuffin is about as high as I'm willing to go.

When I ask the girls out a second time, they slap me and say no.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This is a fictional poem

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Ruth Lovejoy's picture

I had to laugh at this because when I first dated my husband the first date was at Burger King! Of course as years past and we got married we did go to better places but he was cheap at heart in the overall. I'm not saying you have to go to a 5 star but Ruby Tuesdays, 99 resturaunts aren't all that bad. yeah this made me laugh,and glad he's part of my past..

Sarah Anna's picture

You have mentioned that this is a'fictional poem'.I wish it could be a true thought and not a positive thinking . I can't express more than that my one internet friend who claimed/claims that he is in love with me now, wished to see me and accordingly asked me to send the air ticket and to get one night transit booking inclusive in package.Gift which he liked from me was the latest model of Nokia self phone and for his birthday he wished IFone which I sent .He 'AFTER VALENTINE DAYS' wants to see me again and has asked ticket again. This is love of TODAY. So nothing s fiction now. Bye the way,I could n't get any gift of him either on x-mas or on my birthday.Mail did n't reach.You have written something which may be true somewhere .BEST.