
I don't have any cigarettes to smoke.

I can't get laid because I'm broke.

I have no gas so I have to walk wherever I go.

I try to take girls out on my bicycle but they keep saying no.

I made some home made booze that I tried to sell.

But it made the first customer go blind so I went to jail.

My cellmate dunked my head in the toilet and gave me a swirly.

I thanked God when they let him out early.

When I got out of jail, I had no food to eat.

I was so hungry that I was nibbling on my own two feet.

I'm starving while my neighbor is as big as a cow.

I want somebody to either feed or shoot me now.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This is a fictional poem

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Ruth Lovejoy's picture

funny as hell. You should considering joing Longfellow poetry society if you have a chapter in your area. In ours here in Mass we have a guy named John who is a journalist but writes funny poetry like you. ..