My Baby Doll

You were without doubt the best dog I've ever had.

Your death has broken my heart and I'm very sad.

When I named you Agnes, I named you after my late mother.

I was your owner and you and I had a lot of love for one another.

You were a Chihuahua and you were an Applehead.

It tore me up when I learned that you were dead.

You were pretty with dark brown fur and you were small.

You weren't just a dog, you were also my baby doll.

I owned you for almost seven wonderful years.

I found you dead in my kitchen and it drove me to tears.

What I'm about to say is no lie, it's one hundred percent true.

You were my baby doll and your Daddy will always love you.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Dedicated to Agnes (2011-2020) who passed away on July 11, 2020.

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My heart goes out to you

My heart goes out to you after reading this poignant poem.  We recently lost a dog from our familiy, and out beloved Chihuahua, whom we call our Baby, is now eleven years old and starting to slow down.  We cannot even get our minds around the inevitability of her death.  While I do not proselytize about my faith (so this is not that), I do firmly believe that the Bible implies a restoration---rather than a replacement---of the innocent creation, so I do believe that Agnes, and Oscar, our dachshund, are not gone, they are just not here with us tenporarily.  Of course, I do not know if saying this is of any comfort you, but my intention is good, even though the delivery is clumsy. 
