
Bobby Travis

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Portland, OR, USA

More About Me

What I want you to know about me...

It’s no big secret really.
Nor does it take a rocket scientist to notice the name in the copyright information of all my work. Some of you have done your share of homework on Google, I’m sure, especially you potential employers who almost always decide on the other candidate after finding my writing on the web. My God, what would people think if you hired me?

I realize my level of candor doesn’t exactly receive a warm welcome in today’s society nor does it translate into the pretentious corporate realm where we learn or are expected to know the fine-tuning tactics of creating a façade, which is also referred to as brand image. I’m an advertising guy, I know. Being true to one’s inner self is highly discouraged and consequently career suicide. You must always abide by the standards of the brand. If you choose to work for the company you must also choose to be owned by the company. It’s a lose-lose situation, believe me.

Put on your mask and take a seat in the cube. You get a half hour for lunch and two breaks. Now get to work. Stop talking. Did you get the memo? Have you read your employee handbook? Those shoes look a bit too casual for this environment. Why are you wearing jeans? It’s only Tuesday. Please be sure to take your break at the official scheduled time. Don’t clock in early. Don’t clock in late. You can’t wear hats to work. No, not even if it’s cold or raining.

I always signed my handbooks at various companies before reading them, not because I trust my employer, but because the desperate acts we perform so that we can eat are sickening, yet expected. No signature means, no job.

Maybe some of you have researched me because you missed your calling as private investigators or you’re simply unfailingly curious. I know that many readers, out of courtesy and consideration for my boundaries, have addressed me as Randall while following it up with a wink and a nudge. I thank you for your discretion. So who the hell is Randall Dean Scott anyway?

Well, my name is Bobby Travis and I first started writing at about the age of eleven. I became more in tune with my inner drive and passion for writing and visual art during my adolescent years. I was an absolute teenage outcast and the lined pages in my Mead notebook were the only trustworthy destination for my reflections and emotions to live without facing negative and demeaning consequences—judgment. Growing up in the south is much like jail. You’re told when to speak, how to speak, when to go to the bathroom, when to sleep, and how to behave. Step outside the rigid guidelines of southern oppression and you must face serious repercussions.

I still remember the wrath of my adversaries when standing up for the rights of African Americans in my school district. That was when the minority group in my high school grew from one black student to approximately four-hundred. The opposition didn’t silence me but it did give me a clear picture of what to expect from humanity while moving into adulthood. I had the choice to either hide my perspective or shine bright with pride when standing up for what is right. That’s much easier to do as teenage boy, not so much as an adult.

Randall Dean Scott is the name I have given my subconscious, my alter ego for the purpose of speaking out and not facing unjust judgments by those who employee me or those who are too ignorant to listen, but it feels cowardly to hide behind the mask. I won’t deny wearing the mask because we are all expected to wear them depending on what function we’re attending. Randall Dean Scott is simply a fictitious character created by me, Bobby Travis and it’s through the eyes of Randall that readers get a close look inside the man who attempts to blend in and go unnoticed.

While my artistic endeavors beginning at such a young age were, in a sense, a form of therapy, the act of making stuff was simply an uncontrollable impulse. People often ask me nowadays why I make art or why I write. Of course, I’m always stumped due to my fear of rattling off one of the cliché canned responses that come out of so many artists’ mouths, including mine. Trite or not, I make stuff because I need to and the craving never goes away. I believe, wholeheartedly, that if I didn’t write I would blow a circuit and shut off—go mad. The watch would simply stop ticking.

Most of my creations, especially my writing, are a direct result of my observations on life. My writing is my take on the human condition and the surrounding factors which impact the face and soul of humanity. I’m an aspiring author of fiction and poetry with one goal, to be published, read, and slightly understood—worldwide.

I’m not here to save the world or be named the writer of the century. I’m not that good. At the core of my being I believe that my written observations will create a much needed awareness of the unjust bullshit in our society. Do as you wish with the inspiration created by my words. All I ask is that you do what is right and with consideration of all humankind. Don’t be selfish. We have too much of that already.

About My Navel

Often full of lint. I have a growing lint ball about the size of a big watermelon and it smells funny. Kind of like a sweaty foot, maybe.

Website(s) or Email

BLOG: http://randalldeanscott.wordpress.com

LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/randalldeanscott
Sound Cloud: https://soundcloud.com/randalldeanscott
Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/RandallDScott
Google Plus: https://plus.google.com/109087933618989026216/posts
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/randalldeanscott
Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/randalldscott/
FriendFeed: http://friendfeed.com/randalldeanscott


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11 years 12 weeks