I Am What I Write

I am what I write

Every piece of me

Small but true

Heartfelt and real

Bleeds out onto the page

Most often againest my will

Like a rape

I am violetated

Yet somehow

In the aftermath

A kind of healing is found


I am what I write

A mass of confusion

A cancer of pain and hurt

I die by the pen

I live again by the pen

I would be nothing and no one without it

Do you understand?

Cause I'm not sure

I do


I am what I write

Part of God or the devil's plan

For whose purpose

Are my words meant and why


After just one piece

I am almost in a coma

No energy left

Yet still a thrill of creation lingers

Even at the cost of my own damnation


I am what I write

Once upon a time a corpse

Till the ink spilled

Rose me from my untimely grave

To become history

An eternal whisper

In my time and beyond

Forever to live on


Yet strange

The question unanswered remains

Why and for what reason 

Was my writing put here

Now upon this page


2013 Ramona Thompson

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Thank you.

Thank you.

ramonathompsont's picture

Thank you. *hugs back*

Thank you. *hugs back*

SSmoothie's picture

Great piece! Hugss 

Great piece! Hugss 

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."

Poetic_Eyes's picture

Well written.

Well written.