Some Women Deserve Breast Cancer

If she's a bitch

Driving her man

To an early, untimely grave

Nag, nag, nagging

All the time

Won't keep her damn mouth shut

Even after a good old fashioned beat down


If she's your best friend

But tries to rule over you 

Tries to run your life

Acts like she's superiour

In every way to you and then some

And some days you hate her so much

All you can do is

Make a fatal death wish


If she's nothin' but a common whore

Low down and dirty

In the street

More then likely

Gonna catch, spread or die of some disease anyway 

Or even worse

One of those crybaby rape victims

Who were all too willing

And not really victims at all


For all these kinds

And any nasty others

What they get is what they deserve

No ifs ands or buts

It's in them

Killin' 'em for a reason

And I say

100 percent unashamed

Thank God for it


Cause we don't need these bitches around anyway

Screwing up America

Bringing our world

That much closer

To a tragic end

Oh, and if by some chance

You don't agree

Here's what you can do....


You can KISS MY A-S-S!


Cause I speak the truth

When I say

Some women deserve breast cancer

And sister dear

You are the most deserving of them all!


2013 Ramona Thompson






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nightlight1220's picture

Beautiful writing, Ramona!

Beautiful writing, Ramona! All "t's crossed and i's dotted". Commas placed appropriately. Your message is clear and concise. Wishing you joy and love even in seeing what may seem harsh realities to you. Ill will for some brings them inner peace, I heard.


.....have a great day!


...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."

"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "