Vampire Eyes

My darkest dream
My midnight surrender
Seducer of my soul
Long have I waited
To drown in your erotic tortures
Bleeding true red for you

Your bite
Your sweet lick
My favorite kind of kiss
To be slowly sucked
Into you
Soul to soul
Heart to heart
My body melts into yours

Alive only
When I am with you
My master and my lover
My sensual delicious vampire eyes
Drown me
In your wicked, dark love tonight

2011 Ramona Thompson

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mack619's picture

Good Poem

I like this poem if I have to die then walking the earth and getting it on with lady vamps and other humans that want to have fun sound great to me.

ramonathompsont's picture


Hi Tony.

thanks for your comment on my poem, Vampire Eyes.

All the best,

Ramona T