A dark rewrite of the REO Speedwagon classic, I'm Gonna Keep On Loving You
You should have seen
By the crazed look in my eyes, lady
There was somethin' missin'
You should have known
By the dead as ice tone in my voice honey
But you did't listen
Just like all the rest
You rejected me dead
Laughed cold while my heart bled
So againest your will I rammed you
Right there in the grass
I put an end to all your bitchin'
And through you claim you're no ho
I know
Cause I've watched you
Through your bedroom window
With all those other men
Yeah, now you remember
So called lady
Ain't none of them
Better then me
Yet you gave it up so willing
While I was forced to take
And I meant every word I said
Always this night you'll remember
When I said no matter what
I'd have you
I meant that
Turned down by you again
I would be never
And so I'm gonna keep on raping you
Cause deep down I know
It's the only thing I'm good for
Secretly all want me to do
No, bitch, I ain't gonna let you sleep
I ain't gonna let you have any peace
I'm just gonna keep on raping you
And I meant every word I said
Always this night you'll remember
When I said no matter what
I'd have you
I meant that
Turned down by you again
I would be never
And so I'm gonna keep on raping you
Cause deep down I know
It's the only thing I'm good for
Secretly all want me to do
No, bitch, I ain't gonna let you sleep
I ain't gonna let you have any peace
I'm just gonna keep on raping you
Oh yeah, lady
We're just gonna stay right here
In your unholy neverending nightmare
I'm gonna keep on raping you
And so I'm gonna keep on raping you
Cause deep down I know
It's the only thing I'm good for
2011 Ramona Thompson
Thank you for sharing
Way sick and beautiful and ugly.
Interesting take on an old and touchy subject.
--- Chief Icanpiccem