Trump is the one if you need a real change that will last
Any other is only lying to you and chasing after their own self interests
You hold the future so close in your hands
Letting it slip away would be a damn shame indeed
One term was not enough
Ready now for round 2 and a new era to come
Swift and sure make your voice heard
Woman? For president?
Frankly, I tell you
It just seems
The time is not yet right and neither is she
Everything we hold dear is at stake
Not a minute or a vote to waste
Don't you dare say that you can't or won't
One way or another gotta get to those polls
Show some mighty courage
Endorse the right and only one
Make a stand for better
Eager history waits for you hero
Now not later
Take the road you know to be a winner
2024 Ramona Thompson Felton
Disclaimer-Just my fictional take. Taylor Swift is not part of this!
My non-fictional take on this
My non-fictional take on this is the exact opposite. In the sound of the Innkeeper's name I hear the echo of jackboots like in Berlin, 1933; Rome, 1922; and Yekaterinburg on July 17th, 1918.