The truth is sometimes painful to hear
Hereos step forward to speak where others crave only silence
Every vote counts or does it?
Really how do we know?
Everything they tell us could only be more lies
Can we so easy believe our so called goverment?
One day what ugly things could be revealed?
U and I must seek hard for the real story
Let nothing sway us too quick or too easy
Dare to risk riddicule for the truth
Boldly strive forward to demand what is ours by right
Everyone of us has a voice and should be heard
Frankly I think the media could be heading a massive cover-up
Remember not all they say can be believed
A foul game is afoot here and we must stop it
Until we do nothing we say will really count at all
Dare we to do nothing?
How could we live with ourselves?
Eventfully if we are wrong we will issue an apology
Really however I believe in my heart of hearts it will never come to that
Eternal we cannot simply let this battle wage on
We must know
Is President Trump right?
Is there fraud here?
2018 Ramona Thompson
I think there is always a
I think there is always a small degree of fraud in elections--committed by both major parties. What becomes intolerable is when obvious conflicts of interest are ignored--a person running for office shouldn't be an official overseeing the election board during election for example. We should still vote and learn about the candidates before we vote. Good thought provoking piece.
Thank you for your feedback.
Thank you for your feedback. It is always most welcome. Have a very happy holiday season!